Wednesday 18 March 2015

My Hallyu Star Wannabe

My hubby and I are Korean drama fans and we have been watching only Korean dramas for about six years now so naturally, JS would refer to all dramas as Han Ju (Korean drama) and all celebrity related stuff as Han Ju. 

One evening before going to bed he dressed himself in three layers of tops and when I took my iPhone to snap some pictures of him, he started to pose, making funny faces and all. At the end of the brief session, he came over to check out the pictures on my phone, looked at me and said, "like Han Ju boy". 

Oh my! My boy thought he was acting like a Korean actor. I did not know where he got the idea that he looked like an actor when he did all the poses but after telling my husband what he said, my husband said that he saw part of a drama where an actor was posing for some pictures for his posters. 

This reminded me that children are great imitators. They imitate what they see regardless of whether it was right or wrong, harmful or harmless. As a parent, I should bear in mind that whatever I do and say will be passed on to him and if I am not careful, I might just be the one who cultivate negative attitude in him. 

Here are some of the pictures of JS posing as a Hallyu star. 

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