Friday 4 April 2014

Cooking Up A Storm (Part 4)

On the last day of the Food Theme, I could not decide between making a hamburger and a plate of spaghetti so I let JS decide. He never liked eating a hamburger anyway so it made perfect sense that he chose the latter. 
I tried to make this last food item making as interesting as possible so I thought it would be great if he could actually "cook" the pasta. 

First, we prepared the "spaghetti". He had to measure the strings so that each string of spaghetti is of the same length. 

JS measuring the string for the noodles. 

Next, he placed all the "spaghetti" on a plate. We did some counting here as I told him to count them while placing them on the plate.

JS counting the noodles.
The next step was to make the "tomato sauce". We mixed some poster colours with water before pouring the "sauce" onto the pasta.

JS pouring the "tomato sauce" onto the "spaghetti".

Next comes the fun part of tossing the "spaghetti".

JS enjoying himself tossing the "spaghetti".

In order to hold the noodles together, we added lots of glue before tossing the "spaghetti" again. 

JS adding lots of glue on the "spaghetti".

Next, we added some mushrooms. He actually cut all five of them on his own! He was very pleased with himself as it was the first time where he managed to cut curvy lines without cutting through the picture. He he was not cutting on a paper. It was a foam sheet.

We transferred the noodles onto a clean paper plate with lots of glue on it so that it would stick on the plate.

JS adding some mushrooms.

Any tomato sauce spaghetti would not be complete without some cheese so JS added some on his too!

JS adding some "grated cheese" made from tiny stripes of yellow foam sheets.
I hope you like this make too because this is, by far, JS' favourite make. 

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