Sunday 7 September 2014

Come Over To My House!

Pretend play is one of the most powerful play a child can engage in because he has full control over the situations, characters and  settings. It helps them to build self confidence and imagination skills. 

JS loves pretend play but what worries me is that his play is mostly violent, involving bad guys and good guys, swords, fightings and saving lives. His characters are mostly super heros he knew from movies and television programmes. 

To encourage him to have other types of pretend play, I helped him build a toy house where his favourite toys could live in. We used carton boxes, lego pieces and his toys for this purpose. We called it Asimo's house simply because it was the first character JS wanted to use for the play. 

As always, I like to incorporate the use of a book to help him to learn how to use it as a reference. It so happen that we have a wonderful book by Theo. LeSieg about houses called "Come Over To My House". I bought it more than a year ago from the Big Bad Wolf book fair for RM5 only. 

The first part of the book is about types of houses so we talked about the house that we were going to build, which was made of carton boxes. 

Next, the book mentioned about natural surroundings like rivers and hills so started by making the garden.

JS making trees and a swimming pool for his toy house. 

The book also discussed about the types of roof. Here, we had a flat roof where Asimo could rest or play with his friends. 

Next, we moved on to decorating the living room with a sofa and a fire place for Bumble Bee to sit and relax. 

Then we moved on to the bedroom with attached bathroom and that's a bathtub and a bed. 

This is the dining area and a kitchen. 

Here, you can see a blue room in the living area, which is the study. You can also see a chain rope for the characters to climb up to the roof. 

Lastly, we made the stairs. 

Here's how the house looks like. And yes, we also have a car porch and a pet dog in the house. 

1 comment:

Pui Ling said...

Nice.. My daughter also loves to play like that but with her Slyvanian house . She talks and make breakfast for her bunnies .I notice that my daughter more prefer to do craftworks than reading . She even make Cosmetics things , teapots , cups by her own .